Mogavero Architects

Greetings From Jay in Memphis at the Code Hearings

Today we reviewed 82 Fire and Life Safety Code Change Proposals.

21 were unanimously approved, 13 approved with big majority, and 2 gained mixed support. 21 were unanimously rejected, 18 got a little support and 3 were lose but did not get enough support to pass.

Several got minor modifications.

FS 16-15 did not pass but the proponents were asked to work on it. The proposal would have defined a column line as a “wall” for fire purposes and the space between the columns as openings. The were sent back to redefine where the wall was. This has implications for our apartment work where we have buildings with multi-story recesses containing balconies and roofs.

FS 17-15 makes it clear that, for fire rating purposes, each story is considered separately.

Several proposals that took into account what was happening on the other side of a property line were defeated.

We are gearing up for some fireworks regarding cross laminated timber tomorrow!

– Jay

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